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  • Writer's picturea21jai

Patterns and Forces

Updated: Sep 13, 2022


After a offline our 1st online module was PATTERNS AND FORCES , so here we have to select any object of our house that we use in our everyday life ,so I had been select 'COCONUT HUSK PEELER' as my object.

so we have to explain our module in a way that its 1.Set of Components 2.Movements of Object 3.Object as a set of planes and lines 4.Forces felt by each plane and line 5.Articulated.

1.SET OF COMPONENTS: In this drawing i had been showed all the parts of object, what are the different parts of the object and all.

2.Movements of object: In this I have shown the different movements of the objects,1st part is in its original position and then when u pull the lewar upwards the movement takes places and its shown is 2nd and 3rd parts.

3.Objects as a set of planes and lines: In this we were inform to show the sets of planes and lines.

4.Forces felt by each plane and lines: what are the different forces use in plane and line were shown in this drawing

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