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  • Writer's picturea21jai

Arthur Rimbaud

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Arthur Rimbaud was a French poet known for his transgressive and surreal themes and for his influence on modern literature and arts, prefiguring surrealism.


I They're ugly, those churches in country towns Where fifteen stupid kids smear up the wall And listen to an ugly priest as he drones Away-his shoes and rotting stockings smell But through leafy branches the sun shines In the old colors of the crude stained glass. The stone always smells of the soil outside. You see those piles of boulders that retain The solemn motion of the rutting countryside, Divide the ripening wheat from yellow lanes, Support blue plums in trees the sun had dried, Black knots of mulberries, and sticky vines. Those barns have stood untouched for centuries; Their dark interiors are cold and dank:. The walls are hung with grotesque mysteries Our Lady, or a martyr's bloody flanks Still, stinking stable flies and kitchen flies Devour old wax spilt on the sun-stained planks.

Text written based on the space created:

Keeeecccchhhhh…..keeeeecchhhhhhh…….. Mmiiisshhhhhhh…eeeeh Tchkkkk….tchkkkk ….tchk…… Hummmmmm…hummmmmm Hmmmmmmmmmmmm suuuuuuh…….suuuuhhhh Krrrrrrr…..kkkrrrrrrr Achooooooo….achoooooo Brrrrrrr……brrrrrrr.brrrrrrrrrr Arrrgghhhhh……ARRGGHHH Plopppppp…….plooppppppp Ech….ech…ech…echh…………… Bfffffff…….bfffffffff bshhhhh….bshhhhhh Psssshhhhhh....pssshhhhh..psshhh Tssssss.....tsssss...tsssss Pfffff...pffff..pfffff Tsfffff..tsfff...tsffff...tsfffTiccc...ticcccc..ticccc Bboooommmmm....boooommmm Trauuuu....trauuuuu Bzzzzz...bzzzzzz...bzzzzzFizzzzz...fizzzzz...fizzzz Yuckkkk....yuckkkk Ohhhhhh

Drawing made based on the text written:

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